So this is not so much an anecdote about coffee as it is about stupidity. A few weeks ago I was on the critical route towards opening night. I went to a nearby coffee shop for a refreshing cold brew. The barista lady asked if I'd rather get the cold brew bottle for 15 more pesos. I did. Unbeknownst to me (as I am not an experienced coffee drinker, just a run-of-the-mill caffeine addict) this was not a bottled cold brew, but a bottle of cold brew concentrate. I opened it and chugged half before realizing what I had done. Rehearsal starts: ENTER THE HUMMINGBIRD! I was so wired I had to run across the stage 20 times as part of my warmup. It was Shakespeare...but manic...so...Shakespeare!

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Incredible! What a vivid picture. I am sure the Shakespeare was just flying out of you 😂🦋💓

Cold brew concentrate - I think I might just collapse from the thought 😅

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